Crawley’s Maidenbower neighbourhood is in West Sussex, England. In the south east corner of the town is Maidenbower, which is bordered by the M23 motorway. Pound Hill is to the north and Furnace Green to the west across the railway line.
Crawley’s newest neighborhood is Maidenbower. Crawley Borough Council declared farmland between the M23 and the London-Brighton railway line as the 13th neighbourhood in 1986.[2] A construction consortium was formed to develop the site which was to include community facilities and a new junction giving access to the M23.
The development was almost complete by 2000, although infill development continues in small areas.
Unlike the adjacent Maidenbower farm, which gave the area its name, the original Frogshole farm building stands as the neighbourhood’s public house. The building was renovated and opened in 1994. A major fire destroyed the building on February 8, 2007. Frogshole Farm Pub reopened in July 2008 following a major refurbishment.[3]
A secondary school, the Oriel High School, has been built at Maidenbower under the Private Finance Initiative: a private company designed and built the school and will manage its facilities for the next 25 years. All educational services and staff are provided by West Sussex County Council. There are also two infants schools and a large junior school at Maidenbower.
A parade of shops and a community centre provide daycare facilities for elderly and disabled people. Gatwick Stream runs through Maidenbower (formerly Frogshole Farm), past the back of the parade of shops, and on to Three Bridges.
With great pub food in a warm and welcoming setting, The Frogshole Farm in Crawley is a great place to meet friends, enjoy a mid-week meal, or enjoy a delicious Sunday roast.
We offer an extensive fixed price lunch and dinner menu, as well as buffet choices, a kids menu, a vegetarian & vegan menu, and a special Sunday menu. We offer an extensive fixed price lunch and dinner menu, as well as buffet choices, a kids menu, a vegetarian & vegan menu, and a special Sunday menu.
A local pub near you is a great place to hang out, eat, and drink after a long day exploring the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, playing golf at Copthorne Golf Club, or before heading off to catch a flight from Gatwick Airport.