Osteopathy And Pregnancy
Osteopathy services Crawley
Pregnancy is an incredibly unique time in a woman’s life. Being pregnant is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman undergoes in her life. During pregnancy, the body undergoes enormous physical, emotional and hormonal changes that happen in a truly short span of time.
A woman’s body undergoes progressive adaptations to balance the developing baby’s weight, development and posture. Obviously, many medical conditions can occur during pregnancy, and proper precautions should be taken. Proper health and diet guidelines must be followed. Keeping in mind, let us learn about Osteopathy and its importance in pregnancy.
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Years Of Experience
What is Osteopathy?
A wide range of health problems can be addressed through the technique of Osteopathy – which improves the health and wellness of the body by strengthening the musculoskeletal system where the innate capacity of the body to heal itself is given special emphasis.
By knowing the person completely, his body constitution and the health condition of the person, an Osteopath can help you understand what adaptations the body must make to cope with the present condition to bring back the harmony state. Thus, an Osteopath aims to work to take care of your body by minimizing the stress in you to maintain the equilibrium of the body.

"The technique of Osteopathy helps to prevent or relieve the symptoms by which she feels energetic and relaxed, devoid of pain."
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Osteopathy In Pregnancy - Goal
Admirable changes take place in a woman’s body during the nine months of pregnancy to carry the baby inside the womb.
But there will be many strains and stresses prior to pregnancy too, by which the body cannot meet the extra demands easily, thus the body shows distress through symptoms such as shortness of breath, rib pain, back pain, indigestion, Sacro-iliac pain, groin or pubic pain etc.
The technique of Osteopathy helps to prevent or relieve the symptoms by which she feels energetic and relaxed, devoid of pain.
Osteopathy In Pregnancy - Goal Main Symptoms Treated With Osteopathy During Pregnancy
- Muscle spasms
- Generalized pain.
- Circulatory problems
- Joint pain
- Generalized aches.
- Back pains and backaches (General, acute and chronic)
We have Osteopaths who are trained in pregnancy care.
What do all techniques Osteopaths use?
Generally, balance is equilibrium, and any imbalance may alter the natural state. The human body framework has its own capability to bring back normalcy and reverse the altered condition.
Proper assistance provided at proper times may ease the natural healing process of the body. Osteopaths are trained to use a variety of techniques that could enhance the body’s ability, of which some of the most important ones are.
To improve range of movement – Specific joint manipulation
To improve range of movement and joint nutrition – Gentle joint movement
To reduce muscle tension – Soft tissue massage
To relieve muscle spasms – Neuromuscular release
We provide all kinds of pregnancy-related assistance and the patient-friendly approach of our staff are appreciable.
Osteopathic Treatment For Pregnant Women – Benefits
Of the many things which cause frustration during pregnancy, sciatica is a common one. To balance the pressure and weight of the growing child, the mum’s body (to be more specific, uterus) exert pressure on various organs, spine, hip and pelvic bones causing sciatica as it affects the sciatic nerve. Simple remedies including massage, exercises etc. can be done, but only under expert supervision as every pregnancy is different and unique.
A history of back pain could affect pregnancy and delivery.
Extra strain on the spine may result in neck and shoulder pain, back pain.
Muscle tension
Aches and pain are common during pregnancy as there occurs alteration in joint stability.
Extra strain on the pelvis brings about lower abdominal pain, pain in pubic symphysis and groin.
An osteopath can provide assistance during childbirth by;
Minimising the stress and discomfort in the mother during pregnancy will lead to a normal and easy delivery of the child.
Mobilization of joints – improves range of motion.
Alleviating pain during labour.
Helps to release muscle tension and hence provide relaxation to muscles.
Stretch muscles and provide comfort during childbirth.
Enhances the flexibility of the abdomen and pelvis, which will ease the delivery process.
The position of the baby is important, that must be taken into consideration during the whole gestational period. An abnormality within the pelvis and pelvic ligaments may affect the baby’s positions inside the womb.
Gentle techniques used by osteopaths helps to rectify the condition and advises proper position and posture that must be followed antenatally and during childbirth.
In the present era, lifestyle changes also affect the wellbeing of the mother which eventually reflect on the baby too, thus, to maximise the happiness, health and prosperity of the mother, certain exercises beneficial during pregnancy can be done.
Breathing exercises – reduce blood pressure, stress etc and bring about relaxation.
Stretching exercises – increases the comfortability of a mother.
As a primary rule, enhanced quality of life may increase the cheerfulness and happiness of all beings. The same is when it comes to a pregnant lady. Osteopathy increases her worth and helps her enjoy her pregnancy.
In the end, the safety of the mother and the child is the ultimate aim of Osteopathy.
Professionals registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOC) can only call themselves as osteopaths and can practise osteopathy.
It is to be noted that, there is no need for a referral from a medical practitioner to access osteopathic care.
Seeking advice from a medical practitioner (a specialist) or an Osteopath is a better option during pregnancy.
All our osteopaths are professionally qualified and certified.