Specialist Nail Surgery
You're in Safe Hands
It’s normal to worry about how painful nail surgery might be.
We had previously used ‘The Wand’ machine for our painless nail surgery, but recent legislation from the Podiatrists/Chiropody governing body resulted in us unable to use the machine.
Interestingly, our team were already very experienced in nail surgery operations. Abbi led Nail Surgery teams in the NHS for 21 years. Ralf offered Nail Surgery with us, long before we introduced the machine Fleur also was very experienced in Nail Surgery operations, prior to joining The Richards’ Centre Team.
It would appear from the feedback of recent Nail Surgery patients, the reported ‘pain level’ has barely increased.
Our team have worked together to offer the best ‘Painless’ alternative
It’s a simple, routine procedure which is carried out under local anaesthetic. Mainly used to treat painful ingrowing toenails, curved nails or nails that are thick.
The only slightly painful part is the injection used to administer anaesthetic , very similar to the one you may have in your gums at the Dentist. Once the toe is numb, you will not experience any pain while the nail is removed.
After the toe is injected and numb. A tourniquet (tight rubber band) is then applied around the toe which stays in place during the operation to prevent bleeding. The nail and the area where the nail grows from (nail matrix) is then removed.

Nail Surgery Is Intended For:
Ingrown toenail where it penetrates the skin
Thickened ingrown toenail caused by injury or fungal infection
Corns occurring beneath the nail
An ingrown toenail has a number of different symptoms which can often be treated during a routine appointment:
Pressure pain when walking
Painful lateral nail fold
The nail thickens and folds inwards
Possible pyogenesis (pus formation,caused by bacteria)
Reddening & pain in the toes or folds
Pain restricts movement
Toe grows hot
If you are waiting for an operation.
Your nail is infected
you are pregnant, or breastfeeding
Within 24 hours of having a local anaesthetic
A Typical Ingrown toenail Surgery Timetable
Book a ‘Routine’ ½ hour appointment with one of our Podiatrists. They will check the nail and, in most cases, deal with the problem during this routine appointment.
The cost for this is £55 for a new patient or £50 if you are already a chiropody patient with us.
If anaesthetic is necessary to remove part of the nail, the cost of £50 will be added on to the appointment, at the time.
Nail Surgery appointment will be booked for:-
- 1 ¼ hrs for 1 side of the nail
- 1 ½ hrs for both sides
Before Nail Surgery Advice

After Surgery
Wear ‘loose open-toed shoes’. Don’t drive, walk or take public transport. Avoid alcohol.
Try to be off your feet for 24 hours
Re-dressing appointments will be made at the time. Don’t remove the dressing at all before the first re-dressing appointment. If the wound seeps, put one of the dressings provided,over the top and elevate the foot.