Specialist Podiatry
Specialist Podiatry Services from The Richards' Centre
As well as providing specialist care and advice for diabetic and arthritic patients.
Our podiatrists are skilled in areas such as sports injuries and biomechanics (MSK) which helps in the diagnosis of a wide range of foot, lower limb, and back pain.
With our Specialist Podiatry Service we provide patients with modern alternative treatments to long-term problems.
Our team have years of experience in Nail Surgery’. normally a ‘last resort’ for problems that can’t be resolved during ‘routine’ treatment care at the clinic –  deformed, involuted (curved) or ingrowing nail – we may advise that you have either part of the nail removed (a partial nail avulsion) or the whole of the nail removed (a total nail avulsion)
We’ve introduced Onyfix®, a safe, painfree alternative to nail surgery.Â
Toeflex®, a Hybrid reconstruction gel, perfect for distorted, unsightly or missing toenails
Fungal nail treatments, are annoying and unsightly, however most are treatable with a combination of routine care and specific products, which we also stock. However for really stubborn, unsightly nails, we are having a great deal of success with a combination of Clearanail® and ToeFx® , with one patient who had had several toes infected for over 50 years, being delighted to be able to show his feet again, this summer!Â
More than 30+
Years Of Experience
Plasma Verrucae Pen & Onyfix®
We’re also currently trialing the British-made, VP® Plasma Verrucae pen which has proven to be really effective in the treatment of long-term verrucae.
Ingrown toenails, we know from experience, are a really painful problem. Stubborn ones may need constant attention, or even nail surgery. However, we’ve been really pleased with the results of the Onyfix® Painfree nail correction system as a natural way of encouraging deformed nails to grow correctly.
Ready for Summer and the HolidaysÂ

To make an appointment for any of our Specialist Podiatry services
please phone reception on : - 01293 562601/400011
Nail surgery from £90
Please call to discuss your needs
Onyfix® Painfree Ingrown Nail Correction from £35
Please call to discuss your needs
Clearanail® Fungal Nail Treatment from £375
Please call to discuss your needs
Fungal Nail Test £45
Please call to discuss your needs
First Verruca Pen® Treatment £110
Please call to discuss your needs
Follow Up Verruca Pen® Treatment £95
Please call to discuss your needs